What is this Podcast
All About
If you have lost your vision, your energy and your mojo for living your best life then this show is for you. Whether its your career, your attitude or your relationships, its time to reclaim and discover your BEST life yet.
As a long-time award-winning journalist, storyteller and syndicated health and wellness show host, Gayle Guyardo had dedicated her life to shining and sharing a positive light on people, businesses and charities.
People don’t fall off track in life due to a lack of commitment or enthusiasm, they fall off track because they don’t have the clear vision needed to achieve their goals.
Gayle Guyardo has helped thousands of people achieve massive transformations in their lives. She will share inspiring stories, and bring top experts to motivate you to make the changes necessary to live your best life.
Gayle will touch, move and inspire you in this entertaining, fast-paced, informative podcast that is practical and has helped thousands of people achieve massive transformations.
In this podcast, Gayle will take you by the hand personally and lead you step by step to achieve your lifelong goals.
WIN A $25,000
with Gayle

If you have lost your vision, your energy and your mojo for living your best life then this show is for you. Whether its your career, your attitude or your relationships, its time to reclaim and discover your BEST life yet.
As a long-time award-winning journalist, storyteller and syndicated health and wellness show host, Gayle Guyardo had dedicated her life to shining and sharing a positive light on people, businesses and charities.People don’t fall off track in life due to a lack of commitment or enthusiasm, they fall off track because they don’t have the clear vision needed to achieve their goals.
Gayle Guyardo has helped thousands of people achieve massive transformations in their lives. She will share inspiring stories, and bring top experts to motivate you to make the changes necessary to live your best life.
Gayle will touch, move and inspire you in this entertaining, fast-paced, informative podcast that is practical and has helped thousands of people achieve massive transformations.
In this podcast, Gayle will take you by the hand personally and lead you step by step to achieve your lifelong goals.
The Tiny Golden Bean with Big Health Benefits: Dr. Marisol Teijeiro N.D. (Inactive) is an award-winning author and founder of Queen of the Thrones® line of products joins Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom to talk about her original heatless, less-mess, reusable Castor Oil Pack that supports better sleep, better bowel movements and feeling better hormonally.
She went from the director of a brick and mortar detox and cleanse clinic treating mainly cancer, autoimmunity, and hormones for over a decade to CEO by taking the traumas in her life and transforming them into gold.
She helps people all over the world stress less and take dominion of their lives. She’s been featured on various TV programs such as nationally syndicated NBC shows Bloom and Daytime. Her life's mission is to help people unfold and understand their inner journey towards full expression of self by connecting the body, mind, and soul for infinite health.

Every single week, one lucky listener that posts a review on iTunes will win a chance to the $25,000 value Grand Prize Drawing to spend a VIP day with Gayle.
Here is A Day With Gayle: Spend the day with Gayle and co-create your person brand to have big impact and influence in every area of your life. As a media celebrity Gayle will personally coach you on camera to shoot your “Personal Branding video.
Learn how to Become Your Own Brand Ambassador to achieve all your life goals.
Spend a day with Gayle and learn the tricks of the trade when it comes to selling you. Create a world class personal brand Get promoted, land more new clients and new opportunities.
From delivery style to camera presence let Gayle share the secrets as an industry insider so you can make the quantum leap forward to live your best life yet.

Weekly winners will be announced on upcoming episodes prior to the $25,000 value Grand Prize Drawing on February 1st 2022.
Meet Your Host
Gayle Guyardo

Gayle Guyardo anchors News Channel 8 Today each morning from 4:30 a.m. – 7 a.m. Gayle also does weekly segments on interesting people places and fact about the Tampa Bay Area. As a third-generation Tampa native, Gayle is passionate about shining the spotlight on our community.
Gayle came to News Channel 8 after helping to launch an independent television station in Sarasota, Florida. Before returning to Florida’s west coast, Gayle worked as a Capitol City reporter for Montgomery, Alabama’s ABC affiliate. She later anchored the “Good Morning Alabama” segment and was the station’s evening weather anchor.
A graduate of Auburn University, Gayle holds a degree in communications. She also attended Northwestern University in a specialized theater and communications program. While in college, she interned at several television stations, including WTOG Channel 44 in Tampa Bay.
Gayle is always on the lookout for ‘gr8 Inspirations’ in Tampa Bay. People through their jobs, volunteerism, or just the way they live their lives make an impact in Tampa Bay.
You can find those stories both on WFLA and WTTA Great 38.
Coming Soon!
from Gayle
If you’re tired of being ignored, invalidated, dismissed, or brushed aside It’s time to do something about it. Gayle takes you by the hand as your mentor and guide and teaches you to create your own unique signature story, and personal brand, for impact and influence every time you speak!
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It is important to send our team a screenshot of your review. Please email it to support@yourstoryyourhealthyourbestlife.com and our team will verify it and enter you to WIN a chance in the Grand Prize Drawing for an entry into the $25,000 Grand Prize Drawing of an exclusive Private VIP Day with Gayle Guyardo herself!
Don’t miss this chance to win!
Your review will go through an approval process and can be viewed within 48 hours (if approved).
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